Stop London Zoo Nights!

  • al: Sula Maye
  • destinatario: London Zoo Management

The London Zoo is raising funds by opening special "zoo nights" events on summer evenings that involve alcohol, music, singing and crowds of people.

There have been reports by keepers of drunken behaviour toward the animals and of people trying to get into animals enclosures, touching penguins, crushing butterflies, and pouring beer on people and animals. The London Zoo states there are no animal welfare issues but even if a people's drunken behaviour wasn't compromising animal safety, I think any late night event at the zoo should not be happening and London Zoo should stop exploiting their animals.

Animals can be stressed if their routines are disrupted. They are kept awake when they normally sleep, are disturbed by rowdy people, and are scared by unusual noises. If a party is going on next door with loud music and people shouting, drinking, singing and talking loudly, it can cause us as human beings stress, so imagine how it would feel if that party were peering at your family through glass!

Of course animals are stressed by these events. The keepers know it -- why doesn't the management put the animals first?

I realise London Zoo needs the money, but the animals don't need the stress and  the zoo is primarily for the animals welfare not ours! Please sign my petition to ask the London Zoo to stop these events now!

Actualizar #3hace 10 años
Yay! I've woken up this morning to discover we've done it and got to 500 signatures! Thanks to everyone who has signed so far please keep sharing on FB, twitter and via e mail. Let's see if we can get London Zoo to think again about this policy.
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Hi all we nearly have 500 signatures on the petition, if we get just 28 more Care2 will help promote it further afield. Please share and urge friends and family to sign too. Thank you for all your help with this!
Best wishes
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Hi all we nearly have 500 signatures on the petition, if we get just 28 more Care2 will help promote it further afield. Please share and urge friends and family to sign too. Thank you for all your help with this!
Best wishes
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