Idaho's Extermination of Wolves

    Recently, Idaho signed into law a measure that can exterminate 90% of the 1,500 wolves in that state. It seems that the Governor and his law makers cannot find other less cruel ways to deal with the wolves. It makes me very sad that ranchers and society have such little regard for these amazing animals. Ranchers always find a way to blame wolves for the problems they encountered. This has been going on throughout the centuries. Most educated people understand the importance of wolves for Eco Systems. They know that wolves for the most part are shy animals and do not like to interact with humans. Wild animals as well as wolves have lost habitat due to population growth. Instead of this massacre, why not relocate or create a santuary for them. They have the right to live in this world. It is we as a society that needs to learn how to cohabit with them. In today's world, there are more humane ways to deal with wolves coming into farms or ranchers.

    People who care for the Wolves, please join me in signing this Petition I have started. Also, join me in boycotting any products made in Idaho. Tourist stay away from Idaho as protest
    We can stop this massacre together. SAFE THE WOLVES, we are their voice.
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