Time to boycott Zynga Cafe Worlds ridiculous goals

Zynga is once again taking the mickey out of its Cafe World players by asking for differing amounts of the same food for different players. The food is not counting towards the goals and requests are not being returned. Goals are being released for rewards which are pointless if you already have ultra stoves.

It is time for Zynga to release separate goals for new players who need multiple mega stoves and different goals for more advanaced players.

I for one have stopped the new goals as I was told by live chat that the number of dishes you had to cook depended on the level and skill. Having asked friends who are further ahead in the game this is not the case.

Its amazing how this is happening just as the VIP membership is being released and people are refusing to pay.

Its time for Zynga to listen to its players for once and forget about the profits because without the players there will be no profits.

Please sign the petition if you agree 

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