Tell UK Government to Keep Carbon Target

  • al: Judith B.
  • destinatario: David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

It is not just environmentalists who are telling the UK government to act responsibly on carbon emissions. Big companies, including ASDA, Sky and PepsiCo, have added their voices to the call for a firm carbon reduction target for the power companies.

The UK’s energy industry is supposed to move away from dangerous, polluting fossil fuels to renewables by 2030. This target would help slow climate change and ocean acidification as well as revitalising the energy industry and creating long-term employment for thousands.

However, the Conservative Party, apparently forgetting that it is a minority government, is fighting furiously against the proposed 2030 carbon targets. This follows the coalition’s sorry history of consistently cutting investment in renewables yet providing very generous tax breaks for the oil and gas industry.

Tell the UK government that it should be working for the British people and our future, not the fossil fuel industry, and keep carbon reduction targets.

We the undersigned ask that you stop acting like the “least green government ever” and keep to the 2030 decarbonisation target.

The argument that this would hurt business, never a very strong argument considering that the short-term profit of the fossil fuel industry is exactly that, has been weakened even further now that big companies such as ASDA, Sky and Pepsico have added their weight to those calling for the  government to behave responsibly.

With Labour and the Liberal Democrats both in favour of sticking to carbon targets, it is only the minority Conservative party that is fighting.  Your job is to represent and act for the British people and our future, not the fossil fuel industry.

The fossil fuel industry is not only causing massive environmental destruction, it is also a dying industry. Fossil fuels are finite, and running out. Investment in renewables creates jobs for the long term, rather than just lining the pockets of oil industry executives, and is what this country needs.

We ask that you stop pushing for weakening of our decarbonisation targets immediately.

Thank you for your attention.

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