• al: Linda Camac
  • destinatario: Lawrence J. Gentile, Township Manager; Dick Snow Animal Control; PA Wildlife Services

Suburbanites who find it annoying, "dangerous", and just unbearable to live with nature and woodland creatures, call Animal Control in Havertown and report "pesky" wildlife.
A trap is baited and set for little wild creatures, who then used to be relocated ---BUT now Havertown has purchased a GAS CHAMBER to snuff out the life of the animals.
This is a cruel and barbaric way to handle supposed "pesky wildlife"; in addition, the babies of trapped foraging trapped animals starve to death back at the nests and/or dens.
Suggest residents get an education about the benefits of living with wildlife and the realization that 'humans are the ones who moved in----not the wildlife!"

Dear Mr. Gentile:

We wish to express our outrage that Haverford Township has purchased a gas chamber for the purpose of kiling trapped woodland creatures. 

First, there should be no alarm about the normalcy of native wildlife foraging about and living in harmony with the residents of Havertown.  You would save money and be serving the residents better by offering an educational class promoting the benefit and the necessity of living in harmony with wildlife.

Gas chambers are so cruel that they were invented for the worst of capital murderers --- why should innocent animals, who are merely foraging for food to feed their young, be subjected to such brutality?  This certainly gives Havertown a black eye in the view of peaceful citizens everywhere.

When the adult animal is trapped, remember all of the babies starve to death back at the nests and dens.

What kind of world do we want?  Just cement and malls and people?  Don't give in to lesser people who are ignorant and uninformed.  There are more people in Havertown who oppose cruel gassing!   

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