Bring Back the Markus Liebherr Memorial Cup

  • al: André P
  • destinatario: Southampton Football Club

The Markus Liebherr Memorial Cup is an annual pre-season tournament arranged by Southampton Football Club to pay respect to the man who brought the club out of administration in 2009. The tournament was started in the 2011/12 season, after Liebherr's untimely death in 2010, and also took place in the 2012/13 season.

Today (June 21st 2013), the club announced its "full schedule" of pre-season matches for the 2013/14 season, but no Memorial Cup was included. The supporters of this club would like to request that the Memorial Cup returns for this season, and continues indefinitely as a tradition of pre-season preparations at the club, as a tribute to a man who helped the club so much in its time of need. 

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