Don't Remove Native Water Buffalo!

  • al: Chris Wolverton
  • destinatario: Hong Kong Agriculture and Fisheries Department

Indigenous water buffalo have long been a part of Lantau Island. When the island was used for farming, herds of the buffalo numbered in the hundreds. Today, the island is one of the most urabanized locations in the world. Officials are planning to remove the three remaining buffalo that have been grazing in the island community of Mui Wo and relocate them to a farm with considerably less space.

In 2007, 16 of 17 captured buffalo died during a haphazard attempt to drug and transport the animals. According to Lantau Buffalo Association director Ho Loy, a relocation experience would cause surviving buffalo to suffer great physical and mental stress.

Because of a recent attack, the government believes water buffalo are dangerous. However, the attack occured after spectators provoked an animal to the point where it reacted. Buffalo pose no danger when not provoked, and serve as a peaceful reminder of the island's farming history. Removing these animals would set a precedent for removing other wildlife, such as cows. Please sign the petition to stop the removal of native water buffalo from Mui Wo.

To: Hong Kong Agriculture and Fisheries Department

We, the undersigned, are concerned with the planned removal of three indigenous water buffalo from Mui Wo. We believe that relocating these animals is unnecessary and would put them at risk.

In 2007, 16 of 17 captured buffalo died during a haphazard attempt to drug and transport the animals. According to Lantau Buffalo Association director Ho Loy, a relocation experience would cause surviving buffalo to suffer great physical and mental stress.

Because of a recent attack, the government believes water buffalo are dangerous. However, the attack occured after spectators provoked an animal to the point where it reacted. Buffalo pose no danger when not provoked, and serve as a peaceful reminder of the island's farming history. Removing these animals would set a precedent for removing other wildlife, such as cows. Please allow these native animals to continue living in Mui Wo and cancel plans to remove them. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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