A Woman in a Vegetative State Just Gave Birth to Her Rapist's Baby

After nearly drowning 14 years ago, a 29-year-old Native American woman fell into a vegetative state and has been under the "care" of Hacienda HealthCare nursing facility in Phoenix, Ariz., since then. Unfortunately, it looks as though she hasn't been under any care at all actually.

Despite having been in a vegetative state for over a decade, the woman gave birth to a baby boy on December 29. That means that someone who had access to her room, most likely a male nurse or employee, had sex with her without her consent — that is, they raped her.

Please sign this petition demanding that Arizona shut down this facility at once.

The horror doesn't stop there. Not only was this woman raped and forced to give birth without a choice, no staff members were even aware that she was pregnant. How is that possible? According to an anonymous source who reported the case, this woman was under constant care, all hours of the day. How did they not notice that she had stopped menstruating and had a growing abdomen despite no change in nutrition?

Since this news broke, the facility has implemented a policy barring male staff from female patients' rooms unless accompanied by female staff, and the CEO has resigned. But it sounds like the facility just needs to be shut down altogether.

Hacienda HealthCare has clearly shown that it is unable to properly care for its residents and must be held accountable for their negligence. Please sign the petition demanding that Arizona shut down this nursing facility now.
Actualizar #2hace 6 años
Good news. Nathan Sutherland, a male nurse at Hacienda HealthCare, has been charged with sexual assault and abuse. However, this facility must still be shut down. According to reports, this facility had a pattern of inappropriate behavior. Please share this petition to keep the pressure on.
Actualizar #1hace 6 años
Good news. Nathan Sutherland, a male nurse at Hacienda HealthCare, has been charged with sexual assault and abuse. However, this facility must still be shut down. According to reports, this facility had a pattern of inappropriate behavior. Please share this petition to keep the pressure on.
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