Demand To Know What Is In Hydraulic Fracking Fluid!

Our leaders should be protecting our health, our wildlife and our environment.  Instead, they turn their heads and cough while the fracking industry stuffs their wallets with lobbyist money every day!  $9 million each day flows from corporate lobbyists into Washington, D.C.  The toxic and carcinogenic chemicals and compounds in Hydraulic Fracturing, or Fracking, are protected by fracking industry attorneys as an industry "Secret Recipe."

However, the real reason for non-disclosure of fracking fluids is the public outrage that would ensue.  America's anger would most likely shut down the fracking industry if Americans found out what's really in that caustic cocktail that companies all over the U.S. pump into fracking wells every day!

The protection of us, our kids and our environment depends upon ALL Americans to stand up for the safety and stability of our futures!  Our elected officials should be at the forefront of safe-guarding us, but they are too busy reaping the rewards of dishonest, vote-rigging between corporate America and government!  Let our leaders know that we have a right to know what is in the fracking industry's fracking fluids which are destroying our very existence!

Please read more, including a complete list of fracking chemicals and compounds, article links and statistics, in the full petition letter, and pass it on!

Be sure to click on "petition" below the total number of signers for the

full petition!

Thank you!  : )

Our leaders should be protecting our health, our wildlife and our environment.  Instead, they turn their heads and cough while the fracking industry stuffs their wallets with lobbyist money every day!  $9 million each day flows from corporate lobbyists into Washington, D.C.  The toxic and carcinogenic chemicals and compounds in Hydraulic Fracturing, or Fracking, are protected by fracking industry attorneys as an industry "Secret Recipe."

However, the real reason for non-disclosure of fracking fluids is the public outrage that would ensue.  America's anger would most likely shut down the fracking industry if Americans found out what's really in that caustic cocktail that companies all over the U.S. pump into fracking wells every day!  There are over 1.1 million oil and gas wells (fracking wells) all over America:

30% of the toxic slew that is injected into each fracking well never comes back up!  A well can be fracked up to 18 times!  The other 70% is recycled to some degree, and then the waste is pumped into "holding ponds."  These holding ponds are on top of the ground, and they are poorly lined or not even lined at all to protect from inevitable leaks!  The unlined ponds have clay earth underneath the poisonous, pond sludge, and that is the ONLY barrier to prevent ground and groundwater contamination!  Also, where are the protections from accidental pond breaches (which do happen) or natural pond barrier erosion?  Furthermore, fracking companies illegally dump much of their fracking wastewater, by cover of night and using tanker trucks, onto roads and into ditches alongside rural roads.  This common practice has caused a growing environmental nightmare:

Illegal Dumping Highlights Problem Of How To Dispose Of Fracking Waste:

We are not talking about a few thousand or even a few million gallons of fracking waste but billions of gallons!  The state of California has taken an even more dire approach to dumping fracking fluid:  "According to the Center for Biological Diversity, oil rig operators have federal permits to dump more than nine billion gallons of fracking wastewater into California's ocean waters each year.  That's enough wastewater to fill more than 100 stadiums the size of the Rose Bowl brim-full of toxic waste.  And CBD wants the Environmental Protection Agency to do something about it."  See full article here:

Not even our ocean water is safe from fracking waste

The safety oversight for Hydraulic Fracking is almost non-existent.  Our bodies, our children's bodies, wildlife and our fragile environment are being constantly bombarded by billions of gallons of numerous Alcohols, Acetone, Barium sulfate, Benzene, Boric acid, Carbon dioxide, Coal, Crystalline silica or Frac sand (Sand Fracking done where I live), Diesel fuel, Formaldehyde and many more dangerous and deadly chemicals and compounds.

The fracking industry would like this "top secret" list to remain closely-guarded, classified, industry insider information only!  The list has been readily available on the Internet, if you do a fairly simple search, since April 18, 2011.  The fracking fluids cover pages 13-30 of the 30-page document!

Here it is:




APRIL 2011


It is time for our elected officials to come clean on the dirty politics of Hydraulic Fracturing.  Every American has the right to know what they are being subjected to by not only the fracking industry but by the oil & gas industry as a whole!  No CEO plans on properly or permanently cleaning up the waste as long as the millions of dollars continue flowing into his/her bank accounts!  We must demand accountability, and put the brakes on the fracturing of our country's only environment for our well-being, and especially for the health of our future generations!  No dirty job is worth sacrificing our kids' lives over, especially when we can power the world many times over by using combinations of 100% renewable, clean energy!  Tell Congress and President Obama that you deserve the right to know from them why the fracking industry has been waging a wastewater war and keeping a big secret of supposedly safe fracking our only environment's expense!  Our leaders are supposed to protect us, but they are too busy protecting their own wallets instead!

Thank you very much, and please spread the message/petition far and wide!  The more signatures we get, the better chance we have at getting Congress and President Obama to hear that We The People want to know just how UNSAFE the allegedly "clean" natural gas "fracking" process really is!


John Loeffler

Fountain City, WI, U.S.A.

Actualizar #3hace 10 años

I am going to close this petition after this last update posts, and I will concentrate on opening a more specific, original petition that I hope you will find and sign! Please make sure to sign the other fracking fluid petition link above even though it is less detailed than mine!

Thanks a bunch!
John Loeffler
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
I received an email asking for the bigger petition to sign regarding disclosure of fracking chemicals. I would like to share it with you all, so we can wake the world up to the very serious consequences of this greedy way of fossil fuel mining that's literally killing us! Here is the Care2 link:
John Loeffler
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
I would like to thank everyone for signing my petition! I discovered today that there is another petition on Care2 which started two days earlier than mine and has more signatures. It demands the same re: what is in fracking fluid!

I am closing the petition, since there is no need for replication on this issue. Thanks again for your unwavering support! I am humbled and happy to be a part of this great Care2, caring world!

John Loeffler

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