Thank Portugal for Saving Lab Animals

  • al: Animal Advocates
  • destinatario: University of Coimbra Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy

A team of researchers at University of Coimbra have been working on a test to reduce the need for animals in cosmetic tests.

The test, called Sensitiser Predictor, could abolish the use of animals in product testing of the cosmetics industry.

Dr. John Pippin, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, says, “It’s especially inhumane and especially indefensible [to use live animals] when there are alternatives in hand which not only would spare the animals the trauma of going through this but also would provide a better educational experience.”

Thank the researchers University of Coimbra Center for developing a test that would end cosmetic testing that causes animal suffering in laboratories.

Catarina Resende de Oliveira, President
Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology
Department of Zoology
University of Coimbra
3004-517 Coimbra – Portugal

Dr. Francisco Veiga, Director
University of Coimbra
Faculty of Pharmacy
Pólo III – Pólo das Ciências da Saúde
Azinhaga de Santa Comba
3000-354 Coimbra – Portugal

A team of researchers at University of Coimbra have been working on a test to reduce the need for animals in cosmetic tests.

The test, called Sensitiser Predictor, could abolish the use of animals in product testing of the cosmetics industry.

Dr. John Pippin, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, says, “It’s especially inhumane and especially indefensible [to use live animals] when there are alternatives in hand which not only would spare the animals the trauma of going through this but also would provide a better educational experience.”

Thank the researchers University of Coimbra Center for developing a test that would end cosmetic testing that causes animal suffering in laboratories.

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