Bring Jonas Brothers To Australia! <3

Are you on of the Australian Jonas Brothers fans?? :)

What we're trying to do is get the Jonas Brothers in AUSTRALIA. We believe that with all the Jonas Brothers fans out there in Australia and in other countries that we can all do it! You all know how amazing the Jonas Brothers are and how much their music, and they mean to us. We can get them to tour Australia! Show them how much we love them.

So Please sign this petition, to get them here! And tell people about it to get more signatures!


What we're trying to do is get the Jonas Brothers in AUSTRALIA. We believe that with all the Jonas Brothers fans out there in Australia and in other countries that we can all do it! You all know how amazing the Jonas Brothers are and how much their music, and they mean to us. We can get them to tour Australia! Show them how much we love them.

Thankyou for reading!
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