Petition in Favor of a Life Sentence for the Murderers of Noel Lopez.

Noel Lopez was, and will always be, immensely loved.  This vicious crime has robbed his family, a wide network of friends and the world of a brilliant spirit, a loving son, brother, uncle and cousin, a devoted friend, a gifted scholar and talented artist.  Your Honor, please exercise your authority to its full extent and deliver a life sentence to the Guilty. 
Your Honor,

Noel Lopez was, and will always be, immensely loved.  This vicious crime has robbed his family, a wide network of friends and the world of a brilliant spirit, a loving son, brother, uncle and cousin, a devoted friend, a gifted scholar and talented artist.  Please exercise your authority to its full extent and deliver a life sentence to the Guilty.  Please consider the following factors when deciding your judgment:

Marcus Dennis and Steven Bauder showed no mercy or compassion during the four hours of brutal beating that took Noel's life.  They could have walked away at any point, especially when (by their own accounts) Noel reportedly "begged" for them to stop beating him.

Their use of boards and several large steel tools as weapons constitutes torture and sadistic intent.

The apparent lack of injury to both Dennis and Bauder indicates that this "fight" was anything but fair, with two people clearly dominating and incapacitating the third person while he was bludgeoned to death.

Dennis and Bauder have expressed no remorse for their actions, and as outlined in the State of Washington's case against them, they even bragged about the beating in public and on-line.  

The convicted parties' actions show extreme cruelty, lack of judgment, absence of self-control and maniacal rage.  These Guilty individuals pose a real threat to the public and any community they might join if they are allowed to re-enter society.  The prison culture itself is likely to fuel their violent aggression and strengthen any gang affiliations so that, if ever released, they could easily be even more dangerous then than they are now.

This murder may have been committed in the name of a gang and/or as gang-related activity.  The crime was certainly committed as part of a dangerous street culture and within a gang mentality.  It may have been executed to gain favor or advancement among the alleged gang and/or other individuals or groups living on and occupying the streets of downtown Seattle in the spring of 2008.

By invoking the "Alford" Guilty Plea, Dennis and Bauder acknowledge that the evidence against them is damning and that the State would have easily been able to prove premeditation and intent to kill, yet they still avoid taking any real responsibility for their vile actions.   Please do not let them exploit this tactic for their gain.

These are but a few reasons why this heinous crime deserves the maximum punishment.  The extreme violence committed against Noel is highly disturbing and worrisome to most rational, reasonable citizens.

Your Honor, please provide justice for Noel and safety for the general public by sentencing these killers to Life Imprisonment.  The standard recommended range of 20-26 years for first time offenders is simply not enough in this unprecedented case.  Please do not allow Dennis and Bauder the opportunity to become repeat offenders.

Thank you for reading,


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