Homeopathic Vets and Complementary Alternative Medicines (CAM) threatened by Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) want to take away our Natural Medicines especially Homeopathy

On Friday 3rd of November the (RCVS) Royal College  Veterinary Surgeons has released a statement showing its intent to prevent vets from using natural medicine, especially homeopathy but also other forms of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

The statement effectively prevents vets and animal guardians from having the option to treat animals with CAM, esp homeopathy as first-line medicine.

In making this statement, they have been swayed by a vociferous minority and failed to consult experts in the field or stakeholders, so it has been imposed upon the profession without due process.

RCVS council members have made statements online, in forums and on social media, that clearly indicate that this is just a prelude to them seeking a change in legislation and thus potentially a complete ban on vets using all CAM therapies that they deem not to fit within their limited pharmaceutical - based paradigm.

It is plain to see that they feel threatened by the success of Complementary and Alternative Medicines, in particular Homeopathy.

Please help to save The Homeopathic Vets and those practicing Complementary Alternative Medicines that have healed so many animals 

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