Demand Airport Housing Society Rawalpindi stop dog culling now!

  • al: Zahra z
  • destinatario: Pakistan Government and relevant authorities at the Airport Housing Authority Rawalpindi

Syed Muzaffar Tirmizi, the Finance Secretary of the Airport Housing Society in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, has announced a plan for massive dog culling as part of a 'pest control' strategy after receiving complaints from several of the society's residents. 

He contacted the Health Department of the Government of Pakistan to assist in this matter,when they didn't respond, the Municipal Corporation Rawalpindi did and the photo attached is how they managed to do it,by culling the dogs.Tirmizi mentioned that the plan is to kill as many as dogs possible at the earliest. He is the one who uploaded pictures of the dead bodies of the dogs already culled as if it was some admirable act.

Pakistan has virtually no animal rights and stray dogs and cats are treated like pests that are routinely shot and poisoned. Initiatives like spay-neuter-release programs don't get much attention from the government, and animal welfare organizations are in relatively nascent stages with few resources and zero help from the authorities. Mass culling and poisoning has been a go to method to deal with the stray animal population for years.

A new government has been elected last year that promised animal rights. Sign this petition and get the Pakistan Government to stop these animal rights abuses and this man to suspend his plan to continue the culling.

Actualizar #1hace 5 años
Right now we've spoken to the person who is running this. He claims he will cooperate if we find a solution. We still need to get a stay from the court to make sure the culling is stopped while we figure out a solution and gather resources for it. We URGENTLY need residents from the Airport Housing Society Rawalpindi to come forward as we need 2-3 residents to file the stay. Anybody who's a resident or knows a resident please get in touch!
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