Michigan: Stop Wolf Culls to Reduce Illegal Killing

Illegal wolf killing increases during Michigan's official wolf culls, according to new evidence from top researchers. Will you help stop the killing?

During culls, wolf populations in the state are reduced by 25 percent — with more wolves being lost than can be accounted for as a direct result of the state-sponsored population control. Even accounting for natural population declines, researchers have come to one conclusion: poaching increases during wolf culls.

Wolf poaching is not only illegal, it can also can damage healthy ecosystems. These often-maligned predators, in fact, are a keystone species. They regulate prey populations, which balance the health of the local plant populations and the animals that depend on them to survive.

Michigan's wolf culls promote the idea that wolves are bad and must be eliminated. They set the precedent for killing wolves legally, thus increasing illegal poaching.

Sign today to stop the wolf culls in Michigan. By adding your name, you are standing for these majestic and necessary animals and sending a strong message that illegal killings should not be tolerated.

To Governor Snyder,

As a person who values nature, I call on you to stop Michigan's wolf culls. There is new evidence that points to the fact that these culls increase poaching. In fact, this research has shown a 25 percent population decline during culls that can not be accounted for by natural causes. Put simply, wolf culls appear to be increasing illegal wolf poaching. 

Whether it is because people view killing wolves as state-sanctioned or that they think they are providing a service by killing wolves illegally, the fact remains that wolf populations are being negatively affected by this practice. 

I call on you to stop the wolf cull and crack down on poaching. Wolves provide a necessary and vital role in a healthy ecosystem by regulating ungulate populations. Their populations must be preserved. 

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