Stop Using Toxic Dispersant & Toxic Chemicals To Clean Oil Spills

Please let the EPA know how incredibly important that it is to Stop using toxic dispersant and all other toxic chemical soaked barriers in the Gulf Coast Deep Horizon Oil Spill Clean Up.  Fisherman have been getting sick just by being in the atmosphere with them...Think of what that is doing to the fish or what it could do to all the Pan Handle Swimmers and Divers!  Please stop immediately and NOW clean up the toxins chemicals too! Are oil dispersants making people sick!  Here is a video:   PLEASE STOP the DISPERSANTS & all Chemicals!
Louisiana Fisherman have already got sick and hospitalized from being in the atmospherical vicinity of the Dispersant.  Think of what that is doing to the fish and wild life.  And what it could possibly do to the Mississippi and Florida Swimmers and Divers. 
Louisiana Fisherman have already got sick and hospitalized from being in the atmospherical vicinity of the Dispersant.  Think of what that is doing to the fish and wild life.  And what it could possibly do to the Mississippi and Florida Swimmers and Divers.
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