Stop Inhumane Gassing of Animals

  • al: Tamara Burrows
  • destinatario: American Veterinary Medical Association and county government

Working in rescue has awakened me to the horrific fate that over 3,000 dogs and cats a week meet. This fate is euthanasia by means of gas chambers, decompression chambers and heartsticks. Unbelievably, this is still legal in 39 states and the preferred method in many counties within 11 of those states. More unbelievable is that the AVMA approves this practice and provides guidelines on how to do the procedure. Sadly, it is rare that the procedure is followed.  This results in a lengthy and painful death for the animal.  Since spay and neuter education is minimal at best within these counties it is understandable that these local shelters can not meet the ongoing needs within there communities. However, euthanasia, " good death" by means of IV Phenobarbital is a more humane method until such time that spay and neuter education programs become available to these communities. I urge you to research some of the horrific circumstances that these innocent animals have to encounter.

We the undersigned would like to request that the AVMA  and county governments discontinue the approval of gas chambers as a method of euthanasia. The use of these methods is inhumane, causing fear, aggression and ultimately a painful and lengthy death to those animals having to suffer this fate. It has been recorded that approximately 3,000 pets meet their fate by this means per week. An alternative, humane method would be that of IV Phenobarbital which has been reported to be quick and ultimately painless. Additionally, since the use of IV Phenobarbital is financially beneficial, we would like to ask that the savings be distributed to a spay and neuter education program.   We appreciate your attention to this matter. 
Thank You

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