Keep Internet Forums Free From Harassment!
- al: Signe Robertson
- destinatario: Any internet forums or internet communities
The freedom of speech is a wonderful thing and so are internet communities. People can have serious or light-hearted conversations and exchange opinions on various subjects. Sometimes people may disagree and that is just part of a discussion, nothing wrong with it.
But some people just randomly yell out insults like "troll", "noob", "idiot", "no one cares about your problems", as a response to serious threads. Such people should just get banned or at least suspended from the forum for a while. Lots of internet communities just let it slide, but they shouldn't, we should urge all internet communities to make sure that their forums are safe to write in, without people yelling out random insults!
We, who have signed this petition are offended by people randomly insulting us and our friends in internet forums. Disagreeing is fine, but people who yell out insults like "troll", "idiot", "noob" or "no one gives a shit", as response to a serious topic, just make people sad and angry.
Please, take online harassment more seriously and make sure people who post stupid insults in the forums aren't able to post there. This isn't an attempt to limit the freedom of speech, but to encourage it: So that people can write openly about their opinions and issues, without having to worry about people attacking them with random insults based on nothing.
Thank you for reading this, I hope you will take action to make sure no one is harassed!
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