Mandatory that Congress Spend Time in an ER or with a Terminal Patient w/o health coverage!

When 75% of our nation approves the idea of health care reform along with the public option, and our Congress continues to ignore what their own constituents have to say, it is time for drastic measures. I say it should be mandatory each and every member of the House and Senate spend 2 twelve hour shifts back to back in our Emergency Rooms across this nation, or with someone with no health insurance that is dying of a terminal disease! Rather than sit in their glass houses, they need to see the real people and our real and horrific situations when it comes to our health, insurance, and getting the care we need. 
We the citizens of our nation, the United States of America have stood up and told our Congress Men and Women we demand a dramatic overhaul of our health care system. It is broken and has been for many years. We are tired of going broke due to not being able to get or afford health care insurance. We are tired of being turned away from doctors due to not having insurance coverage. We are sick and tired of spending money on insurance premiums, while the insurance companies arbitrarily tell us we are under "pre-existing" conditions, or canceling our policies when we need coverage the most, when one of us or our family members are sick. Story after story, telling of people dying due to losing their health care coverage, not being able to afford coverage, prices so extremely expensive we cannot afford our medications, watching people die due to not having coverage, all the while the insurance big wigs sit in their fine fancy offices, lining their own pockets with the billions we pay in. We want Congress to experience what it is like NOT to have health coverage when we need it the most. This petition is to make is mandatory each and every member of Congress go to one of our ER's across this nation and participate in twelve hour shifts back to back watching first hand what we go through, or they must spend 48 hours with someone who is terminally ill without insurance to see the agony they and their families go through without coverage. It is time to give them a dose of what we see and go through daily. We need health care reforms along with A PUBLIC OPTION! The bipartisan stuff needs to be put aside, and stand up, and vote for what your own people want in this country. 
Your participation, and help in this nightmare that needs to be solved is appreciated!
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