Free Charles Manson!

How everybody knows, Charles Manson are in prison, but why?, he kill somebody?, NO!, his disciples have own control about his actions, why blame him for that?, they do it, Charles Don!, Charlie is a good person, must be free, he never have comitted muerder!, all that bad things about charles are LIES!, Charlie Never Lies, Charlie is GOOD!, he dont must be in Jail, must be free with us, he deserves to be free like us, why we can be free and he dont?, we all make mistakes sometime in our life, but all are arranged later!, we can fix our mistakes and make it a better thing, God Made us to forgive!, we should learn to apreciate our brother Manson.
We the undersigned
Want to Free Mr Charles Manson, cause is a human, and all humans makes mistakes, there's no human on earth what doesnt have comitted a mistake in his life, all mistakes can be fixed, please Charles Manson have the rights to be free like us.Because God made us to Forgive.
thanks for giving us a little of your time
God bless you.
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