Don't Make NC State Government a Boys-Only Club!

Redrawing the boundaries of voting precincts is business as usual, and parties in power often use the every-ten-year opportunity to consolidate their interests. But North Carolina Republicans have outdone themselves this time with new district lines that will effectively oust half the state's women representatives, according to a mainstream Davidson county newspaper.

It appears that GOPs hit upon the clever strategy of having women incumbents run against each other. The Davidson Dispatch reports that women reps Pricey Harrison, Maggie Jeffus, Susan Fisher, and Patsy Keever are now pitted against other women for re-election. Inevitably two or fewer of those women will retain their seats.

The new district lines also target and weaken the voting power of African American communities.

Tell North Carolina GOPs to redraw their district lines--and fairly this time! Tell them not to turn their general assembly into a white boys' club!
It does not take Einstein to see that you have redrawn district lines with the most vicious favoritism imaginable. We the undersigned believe your new districts weaken historically underprivileged communities, especially the African American community in your state. It also appears you have figured out how to reduce the number of elected women representatives in your state from a modest 26 percent of law makers to something like 13 percent. Redraw those district lines, and this time, do it fairly!
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