End the suffering of millions of animals SKINNED ALIVE for their fur in China!

  • al: sandy pollard
  • destinatario: Petitioning: The Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China We always deliver! Read about our petition Sending Guarantee.
China has become the largest fur producer in the entire world. The Chinese have set up so-called ‘fur farms’, where animals are exclusively raised for their fur.

There are two main reasons for why China is so appealing for the fur industry: first of all, the country has no animal welfare laws and workers in those farms are never brought to justice for their actions, in spite of the abuse that has been thoroughly documented by undercover investigators. Secondly, China’s extremely prepared and cheap labour makes it the perfect destination for major fashion companies to outsource this process. The fur produced in China is later sold to high-end fashion stores in Western Europe and the United States.
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