NO Elephant Safari Hunting In Zambia!!

  • al: Alister Watson
  • destinatario: The Zambia Minister of Tourism and Arts

On 21st August 2014 the Zambia Minister of Tourism and Arts reversed the ban on elephant hunting. Given the massive decline in the elephant populations of Africa we consider this to be sheer madness.. Sign the petition now and add your voice to the growing number of people who are against this decision.

Hon Minister we implore you to reverse the ban which you reversed on 21st August 2014. Given the drastic decline in Africa's elephant populations it makes no sense at all to allow safari hunting to further reduce the numbers of these beautiful and gentle creatures.

Over to you...

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Hello everybody. The Zambia Wildlife Authority has made a statement on the situation concerning elephant hunting, in which it says that the ban was never reversed and that it remains in place. This is, of course, contrary to the original announcement but nevertheless is great news.

The ZAWA announcement is on its Facebook page here:

Thank you all for your support in the past and in the future!
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