Starved & Tied up at Urlingford Pound: Enforce Animal Welfare Bill 2012

  • al: Adele Hinze
  • destinatario: Minister Simon Coveney - Department of Agriculture, Dublin, Ireland

It became LAW on 1 May 2012 that Equine premises are to be REGISTERED. This excerpt is taken from the Dept of Agriculture's website. It is the Report of meeting of Equine liaison group held on 9 January 2013...

This is a photo taken on Wednesday 4th December the night before Spots was illegally removed from private land by Urlingford pound.

Medium Geoff Keating is fighting to get his horses returned to him after Urlingford Pound entered private property in North Dublin and removed 15 horses.

Geoff was called a Finglas knacker by the owner of Urlingford Pound when he insisted 15 horses (including three of his own) were illegally removed. Spots belongs to Geoff’’s 13 year old daughter, Kenzie.

This is a photo of Spots taken today 11th December.:

Spots looks malnourished after 6 days in the pound. Is this down to stress? Lack of food? Mistreatment? Or all of the above? You can see Spots is tied up and the rope is taut. This means Spots is unable to eat, drink, move around or even lie down.

The County Council advised that pound does not require a licence to operate so we must question the owners’ ability or knowledge on caring for horses. The County Council advised that the horses were removed for their own well-being. Looking at the above pictures unfortunately the opposite appears to be true.

Should you wish to adopt a horse from a pound you must go through a rigorous screening process; perhaps the County Council should apply the same if not a more intense process for the agents they employ / contract to care for horses or other equine animals that allegedly need rescuing.

We researched the County Councils claim that the pound can operate without being regulated and found that new laws passed in 2012 state that the reverse is true. 

It became LAW on 1 May 2012 that Equine premises are to be REGISTERED. This excerpt is taken from the Dept of Agriculture's website. It is the Report of meeting of Equine liaison group held on 9 January 2013...

This is a photo taken on Wednesday 4th December the night before Spots was illegally removed from private land by Urlingford pound.

Medium Geoff Keating is fighting to get his horses returned to him after Urlingford Pound entered private property in North Dublin and removed 15 horses.

Geoff was called a Finglas knacker by the owner of Urlingford Pound when he insisted 15 horses (including three of his own) were illegally removed. Spots belongs to Geoff’’s 13 year old daughter, Kenzie.

This is a photo of Spots taken today 11th December.:

Spots looks malnourished after 6 days in the pound. Is this down to stress? Lack of food? Mistreatment? Or all of the above? You can see Spots is tied up and the rope is taut. This means Spots is unable to eat, drink, move around or even lie down.

The County Council advised that pound does not require a licence to operate so we must question the owners’ ability or knowledge on caring for horses. The County Council advised that the horses were removed for their own well-being. Looking at the above pictures unfortunately the opposite appears to be true.

Should you wish to adopt a horse from a pound you must go through a rigorous screening process; perhaps the County Council should apply the same if not a more intense process for the agents they employ / contract to care for horses or other equine animals that allegedly need rescuing.

We researched the County Councils claim that the pound can operate without being regulated and found that new laws passed in 2012 state that the reverse is true. 

Actualizar #1hace 11 años
Despite being told by the Town Manager at the last Town Council Meeting that attempts would be made to sell the 63 seized horses, I can confirm that all 63 horses were destroyed between Tues 9th and Weds 10th of this week.
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