Stand with Jack Smith against Republican attacks

  • al: Left Action
  • destinatario: Jack Smith and the Republicans attacking him

Donald Trump has just received a letter from special counsel Jack Smith saying he is a target of the grand jury investigation into attempts to overturn the 2020 election. This is a strong sign that Trump may soon face his third criminal indictment within days!

Republicans are outraged that Trump is being held accountable for his crimes and are hurling insults and threats at Jack Smith. Marjorie Taylor Greene even called him a "weak little b**ch for the Democrats."

We want Jack Smith to know he's doing a great job and he has our full support to throw the book at Trump, no matter what Republicans say. Add your name: "We stand with Jack Smith against Republican attacks" >>

Let's drive the numbers up high on this one, and show Republicans – and the media – that the people back Jack Smith, and we also back justice for criminals like Trump!

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