STOP the WAR in LIBYA now!

  • al: Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
  • destinatario: We demand an end to military action and the implementation of a political settlement

International campaign to Stop the War in Libya

By now the information coming out of Libya is clear for all to see, except western news agencies which continue to spread lies, but by now they are half-hearted key-words uttered without any conviction. The Libyan people, the Libyan youth, are, by and large, with Muammar al-Qathafi and they have the final say, not Obama, Sarkozy or Cameron.


UNSC 1970 and 1973 (2011) flawed and void

It is clear that UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011) were based upon wrong information, that the Libyan Government was not attacking civilians but rather, armed terrorists, armed by the friends of those NATO countries attacking Libya today. It is clear that the Government of Colonel Gaddafi is taking all reasonable measures to limit civilian casualties and even taking measures to reduce casualties among the terrorists, it is clear the Libyan Government is following international law to the letter. Given that the “civilians” were the legal foundation behind UNSC 1970 and 1973 (2011) and given that no such civilians existed, then the foundation for these Resolutions is void. 


NATO violation of international law on several counts

It is clear that NATO has violated, time and time again, International Law (UN Charter, Geneva Conventions and the UNSC Resolutions) in not having the consensus of the UN Military Council necessary for such an action, and also in attacking civilian structures with military hardware (since when is a water supply and an electricity grid a command and control facility?). NATO has also armed the terrorist forces (many of them foreigners) against Resolution 1973 and has supplied troops on the ground in the form of mercenaries, while conducting campaigns of lies through the media. NATO wantonly targeted a family home of the Gaddafi family, slaughtering Saif al-Arab al-Gaddafi and three of the grandchildren of the Colonel. Under what rules of engagement was this act of murder carried out? None. This is a war crime.


For these reasons, since the UNSC Resolutions in force are void and because the NATO imperialist aggression against Libya breaches international law on many counts, we, the international community, take this matter up in our hands in the weeks running up to the forthcoming UN Security Council vote on Libya which coincides with a wonderful opportunity for peace, International Day of Peace (September 21).


We urge our brothers and sisters in the international community to take a decision: Stand with us, the citizens of the world, or else take a stand in favour of NATO, in favour of the murder of Libyan civilians, in favour of the slaughter of children, in favour of a breach of international law, in favour of wanton interference in the internal affairs of sovereign nations, aiding and arming terrorists to serve the interests of the lobbies which control NATO policy. Those who stand with us are our brothers and sisters. Those who stand against us are our enemies and are the enemies of Humankind.


The choice is crystal clear, and it has been made, right now. Where do you stand?


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