Deregulate midwife/nurse guilty of breeding dogs for Beastiality!

  • al: Kristi Littell
  • destinatario: South Australia Health Practitioners Tribunal

Kathleen Modystack was a nursing midwife and a dog breeder. In 2012 she made her home and two dogs available to a local couple for sexual activity and assisted them to video it. She disposed of her computer in an attempt to "frustrate the police investigation" and was given a three month suspended sentence for pleading guilty.

Apart from this sentence being wholey inadequate, the Nursing and Midwifery Board is trying to have her deregistered, arguing Modystack's conduct was "illegal and repugnant" and "inconsistant with being of good character and being a fit and proper person to hold a registration in the nursing profession."

Modystack has contested the deregistration, which is to be decided this October.

Join us in letting the S. A. Health Practitioners Tribunal know that Modystack has no business being anywhere near vulnerable persons after her participation in the disgusting sexual abuse of her own dogs for profit.

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Thank you to all that have signed this petition.
As the legal system has not seen to punish Kathleen Modystack,(a three month suspended sentence for allowing her dogs to be sexually abused for profit!) the only recourse available is to have her deregulated from nursing/midwifery.
.The tribunal will make it's decision in October. We need close to 5000 signatures to send the message that an abuser of innocents should not have access to the vulnerable.
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