Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get officials continually active in finding the perpetrators who hung a sweet young dog by the neck on a fence “just for fun” and left him there to die. Luckily someone saw the dog in distress and rescued him in time to save his life. These abusers need to be found and punished severely for their ill sense of humor through animal cruelty and abuse.
Just recently, in Middletown,Ohio, a dog was found hanging by its neck on a neighborhood fence near South Sutphin Road around 11:30 in the morning. The young dog is presumed to be a Belgian Shephard mix between 6 and 9 months of age. Those that rescued him named him Bear and is believed to be a stray that met with foul play, possibly by some teens or someone with an abusive mentality. Police believe some teens were spotted and may be the ones who did this.
Bear is now staying at Joseph’s Legacy in West Chester while he recovers since he was found in time to save his life. Josh Tippas, a Joseph's Legacy volunteer, said, "We got word that a dog was intentionally hung by his neck from a fence. And his front paws couldn't touch the ground, but his back paws could so he was literally hanging."
Police and other officials asking for all tips on who is responsible so they can be arrested and punished for their cruel acts. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get officials continually active in finding the perpetrators who hung a sweet young dog by the neck on a fence “just for fun” and left him there to die. Luckily someone saw the dog in distress and rescued him in time to save his life. These abusers need to be found and punished severely for their ill sense of humor through animal cruelty and abuse.
Middletown, Ohio Law Enforcement and Judicial System – You need to actively search for the perpetrators that thought it was fun and funny to hang a dog by its neck and leave it to die! If it is indeed kids, teens, there is something wrong with our young people who look at animals as objects that they subject to abuse for their own pleasurable gain. You need to find out who did this to Bear, make them accountable and punished severely so they do not escalate to abusing other animals and eventually people without a conscience. If it is young people, they should be ordered to maximum community service and lessons on how to respect animals. Punish the abusers severely and ban them from owning, coming near or caring for animals in the future.