Demand Trailer Estates, Bradenton, Fl stop killing cats!. TNVR is working!!

  • al: Wendy Scott
  • destinatario: Animal Advocates, Citizens of Manatee County, Sarasota County and Trailer Estates in Bradenton, Florida

Support for Manatee County Officials and Animal Advocates is crucial!! Under a no-kill policy adopted in 2011, trapping cats/kittens, altering, vaccinating them and  returning them to the area they live, is not only the humane thing to do it is the solution!! A couple of individuals in a mobile home park have decided to trap, remove and kill the cats. It has been reported that they have abused them with golf clubs, poisoned and drowned the "Neighborhood Cats".

Read more here:

Killing has been done for decades with your tax money - it does not work!! Grants and donations saves the animals and stops the reproduction cycle!  Thank you for caring and sharing!!

Actualizar #3hace 10 años
I spoke wi/ Jim at Trailer Estates.He has indicated they have NOT hired or contracted a trapper. Florida Statute 828.13 states that any person who willingly abandons an animal and allows it to suffer injury or malnutrition is guilty of a first degree misdemeanor and may be fined up to $5,000 in addition to imprisonment. The law makes it illegal to leave cats in a public place or street without providing food, protection and shelter.
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Trailer Estates Management, Bradenton, Fl has hired a trapper to remove all cats by February 24th, 2014.
We will be driving through the property and need as many people as pawsible to protest the place! Email me for a map, a time as we are just organizing this now!!
Tell William Ott and others to STOP!
Actualizar #1hace 11 años
This Community has received so much help but there are a couple to few home owners that want the animals gone now. They have been unreasonable, inhumane and have no compassion for the animals or their 2 legged neighbors. They could be killing Family and not "neighborhood/community cats"- they do not care! Let them know this must stop!!
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