Marley a ten year old chihuahua mix who's dad Kyle Colshan adopted him ten years ago and still has the paperwork was arrested for a contempt of court charge. In the process his little dog marley was left in the back bedroom. Kyle knowing he would be away for a few days and does not have family here asked the police department to go get marley and take him to the shelter so he would be safe until he got out. Kyle was told that the dog was taken to the Navarre shelter. He is not from here so he exhausted his days trying to get ahold of anyone he knew to go get Marley. Come to find out they took Marley to the Animal shelter in Pensacola. So on the 5th day he sent a friend to get him and they had already transferred him to The Pensacola Humane Society. Now the person getting Marley was there way before closing. Not only did they not even keep him the full stray hold they sent him to be able to be adopted knowing he had a loving owner waiting to get him back!!! Kyle goes to the humane society to think hes picking him up only to be told it's not his dog anymore. He tried to take him out the door and got into verbal altercation with the workers and they took Marley back. He sat in the parking lot for THIRTY minutes hearing Marley cry for him not understanding the events that are taking place. He said the other day i think Wednesday that they called and was returning Marley but wanted to do a home check and no Marley!! HE is NOW IN JAIL for theft for trying to steal A DOG from the shelter. WE ALL JUST WANT THIS MAN TO GET HIS DOG BACK. He may have done wrong by trying to force his way out of the Humane Society with his dog but I would do the same!! Please sign and tell the judge to release his dog back to him!!!
firma la peticiónfirma la petición