Reinstate Jason to the Wake Up Call on 106.5

Jason was recently fired from Entercom in Sacramento, California. He was a DJ for the Wake Up call on 106.5 (formerly 107.9).
We are asking that Entercom, Management, and their HR team reinstate Jason to his position for the following reasons:
-Loyal listeners love and appreciate his humor
-While Matt is a current fill in, the morning threesome is not the same.
-the relationship between these three specific Wake Up Call hosts created a banter and a humor that made morning drives to work or school bearable.
-He's kinda cute
-Why separate him from his pseudo life partner Gavin? These guys have moved station to station and across states to work together.
-Jason helped create and maintain the only morning show that myself and most Sacramento area radio listeners participated in.
firma la petición
firma la petición
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