SILENCED NO MORE, sex offenders MAY NOT VOTE on our behalf. Letter to Charles Schumer

  • al: Lisa White
  • destinatario: Democratic Leader Chair of the Conference Charles Schumer

Dear Charles Schumer,

    This petition states that anyone who has been found guilty of sexual violence or accused of by children there of may not vote on our behalf.  What we hope from this letter is to introduce a Bill that no one may serve as President, Congress, Judicial Branch or Military that has committed the crime of sexual assualt.  Remove Trump immediately=he is an imminent threat to public safety!  Trump and anyone found guilty of sex crimes may not pass bills nor vote on the people's behalf.  They may not seek out nor harm their victims in any capacity.  The  second part is overturning or veto of the Human Civil Rights bills such as The Equality Act will not be allowed. Please restore the public trust in our judiciary federal system by serving justice to Donald Trump for his violent crimes.  Trump being immune to laws is unconconable and dangerous, anyone who has risen to places of authority and power while abusing it we are stating need to be held accountable. Give the victims of sexual misconduct and sexual assault relief as well as restore faith in the governing legal system, do not allow anyone to hold this authority leaving the victims of these tragedies without justice. Without change it sends a clear message victims will not have justice and they are unprotected by the law while their perpetrators are allowed to hold power and authority endangering the public and institutions.

    "The cascade of sexual misconduct allegations in 2017 bore significant consequences for powerful men in all industries. Many of the accused—from movie mogul Harvey Weinstein to news anchor Matt Lauer to comedian Louis C. K.—were swiftly fired from their companies, had contracts severed, or resigned in disgrace. The exception to this trend, it seems, is in politics: though there is no shortage of politicians accused of misconduct, they have barely faced repercussions for their actions. Notable recent casualties in national politics—Senator Al Franken (D-MN) and Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), both of whom had multiple accusers—stepped down themselves, but only after weeks of pressure.

    It is particularly infuriating that in the midst of this national reckoning, the president of the United States—himself accused of twenty-one counts of sexual assaultendorsed Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for U.S. senator from Alabama, despite numerous accusations of child molestation against him. How is it that politicians get away with sexual misconduct?

    Ramifications of sexual assault play out differently in politics than in other industries, where boards or consumers can take swift action against perpetrators. Ultimately, in a democracy, it is voters that are holding politicians accountable, through elections. But voters can be an insufficient corrective. They may have to wait years for a chance to oust a politician from office for bad behavior."

    Politicians govern our US military when they themselves have been accused of sexual misconduct how can they be impartial to make fair and just decisions?

    "US Army ignores rape epidemic within its military and makes it difficult for victims to seek justice."

   We are writing you overturn only two sex recognition by Trump and constituents and stop sexual violent perpetrators in offices of authority like Trump.

   The claim that there are only two genders-sexes is a Human Rights violation against The Equality Act of 2/25/21 which recognizes all sexes and gender binaries as equal under the law. For the protection of Transgender and non binary identified there needs to be a public recall in the decision to deny more than two sexes to perhaps appease The Heritage Foundation plan of agenda 2025 to end civil rights due to religion, race, gender identity, disability, and sexual orientation.

    There are many individuals who have lost their lives to being denied gender healthcare, bullying, and denied accommodations. For the prevention of current violence against youth to adult, all gender binaries need to be recognized as valid and respected under state and federal law and we state that The Equality Act may not be overturned by special interest groups or influences such as:

  1. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)

  2. Rep. Marie Newman (D-IL )

  3. Tucker Carlson

  4. Candace Owens

  5. anti-LGBT hate groups

  6. The Heritage Foundation

  1. The data has shown that there are more than one sex in science according to the article

"Cellular sex

Studies of DSDs have shown that sex is no simple dichotomy. But things become even more complex when scientists zoom in to look at individual cells. The common assumption that every cell contains the same set of genes is untrue. Some people have mosaicism: they develop from a single fertilized egg but become a patchwork of cells with different genetic make-ups. This can happen when sex chromosomes are doled out unevenly between dividing cells during early embryonic development. For example, an embryo that starts off as XY can lose a Y chromosome from a subset of its cells. If most cells end up as XY, the result is a physically typical male, but if most cells are X, the result is a female with a condition called Turner's syndrome, which tends to result in restricted height and underdeveloped ovaries. This kind of mosaicism is rare, affecting about 1 in 15,000 people."

  1. Overturn order "Trump Signs Order Restricting Gender-Affirming Treatments for Minors" according to the New York Times article.

  1. I support and hold accountable all those in Governance who violate- "The Equality Act" passed by Congress 2/25/2021. No one who violates the law may vote or overturn the law for their own political or personal gain!  Hold all accountable who break the law which states:

   This bill prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system. Specifically, the bill defines and includes sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation.

   The bill expands the definition of public accommodations to include places or establishments that provide (1) exhibitions, recreation, exercise, amusement, gatherings, or displays; (2) goods, services, or programs; and (3) transportation services.

   The bill allows the Department of Justice to intervene in equal protection actions in federal court on account of sexual orientation or gender identity.

   The bill prohibits an individual from being denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual's gender identity.

  1. Resources

   Transgender and non-binary people come from all walks of life. The HRC Foundation has estimated that there are more than two million of us across the United States. We are parents, siblings and kids. We are your coworkers, your neighbors and your friends. We are 7-year-old children and 70-year-old grandparents. We are a diverse community, representing all racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as all faith traditions. As you read this FAQ, we hope you learn more about our wonderful community and join us in supporting transgender and non-binary people.

  1. Stats of Violent Deaths to Transgender and LGBTQI

HRCF's 2024 Epidemic of Violence Report: Fatal Violence Against Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People Continues, with Black Trans Women Comprising Nearly Half of the Deaths

by Jarred Keller • November 19, 2024










  9. Image from Time Magazine.

    Please protect the people from those who do the cruel act of sexual assualt, thank you for your time and consideration, we trust that a decision will transpire to protect the civil right of all people and hold Trump and his constituents accountable for harming the people and breaking laws.

Thank You,

Actualizar #4hace 10 horas
Yippee we have two more people who signed this petition-you all are very important to this cause. This petition started on January 30th we need 986 more signatures before I can send this to Charles Schumer. We have till April 30, 2025 then I will take whatever signatures we have and pass it on to Charles. Time is of the essence-we need to get this to Charles stop the abuse of power. I believe we can do this don't you? +=share and pass it on. Thank you.
Sincerely Yours,
Actualizar #3hace 3 días
Today is President's Day 2/17/25. There is already a bill introduced to congress by Charles Schumer and 36 cosponsors- 8/1/24 in Government called "The No Kings Act". This bill was introduced after over 100,000 signatures on the ACLU petition-my name being one of them. It still needs to pass by majority in the Senate. Your voice, your name is impactful-please pass this on= we need 988 signatures now.
Actualizar #2hace 11 días
Dear Signer,
Thank you again for signing the petition letter to Charles Schumer. I have updated the letter and changed the title as well as narrowed it down to the goal of 1,000 signatures. I realize the letter is two parts stopping Trump for sexual violence as well as anyone in Washington who commits those crimes to be stopped and held accountable. It also holds Trump accountable for discrimination in the Equality Act. Please help in sharing this petition.
Actualizar #1hace 15 días
Thank you so much for your courage in signing my letter-petition to Charles Schumer. The primary goal to protect "The Equality Act" all Civil Rights Law and Order+ not allow anyone to be in political appointed power who has been found guilty in a court of law for being accused of sexual violence or misconduct. Time is of the essence I hope to gain 1,000 signatures from original goal being 10,000 since the start of the petition 1/30/25. Please share.
Sincerely Yours,
Lisa White
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