Battery Hens are chickens who are kept in small confined cages for most of their lives. They only have short lives because they cant run around for exercise and don't get worms and grass for extra nutritional needs. They are filled with Steroids to make them fat and to quicken up their egg laying process. There are many Animal Welfare and Animal Rights Activists protesting against these conditions for chickens but the Government doesn't take notice.
These conditions cause the chickens to go delirious and try to kill each other brutally which is disgusting. They have horrible uncomortable cages actually designed to make the chickens uncomfortable which is cruel and they squeeze as many into a cage as they can to save money and space. They literally lay their eggs onto a conveyor belt and arent looked after, they are fed and watered, thats literally it, they get diseased, the surrounding animals do too. No medicine or treatment what so ever.
Defra - Department for Enviroment, Food and Rural Affairs - are a big group who help make a difference to the government by making news stories and alerting the world by helping and sharing stories and petitions - such as this one - to show the government what we want, why we want it, and who we want it for. Please sign to help this cause, i belive ots not globalised and supported enough and needs to be recognised and looked into more to make a difference. Thankyou :)