Tell Theresa May and her cronies that animals do feel pain!!!

  • al: Talya H
  • destinatario: Prime Minister of England Theresa May

The UK government has decided that animals do not feel pain and are not sentient beings. This is not only wrong but inhumane and only done so her rich friends can continue to hunt foxes for fun and also for money that her government receives for allowing apes to be tested on. This is unacceptable and must be reversed!

Follow the Facebook group: "Keep the ban" whose aim is to sabotage this Fox hunts and help change the law.

Read some articles here:

Actualizar #5hace 7 años
We've hit 62,000 signatures! Please please share so we can get to 100,000 which is the minimum number of signatures needed to hand the petition over to the UK government!
Actualizar #4hace 7 años
We've hit over 42,000 signatures! Please keep sharing on Facebook and Twitter! And please send to your local news outlets to help get us to 100,000! Thank you everyone!
Actualizar #3hace 7 años
Coming up on 13,000 signatures in only 10 days!!! We have to get up to 100,000 to take it to the UK parliament so keep sharing on Facebook and Twitter!!
Actualizar #2hace 7 años
We're coming up on 2000 signatures! Please share on Facebook and Twitter...This can help us triple the number and maybe help make a change!
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
We've reached 756 signitures since Friday morning! This is amazing but if we all share 5th petition in Facebook we can triple that! Thanks you wonderful humans....together we can make a difference and be better!!!
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