Punish Abuser Who Confessed To Beating A Helpless Dog To Death!

Justina Robinson beat a service dog to death with a hammer, and then lied to cover her tracks... until she confessed.

Add your name if you agree that she deserves to never be allowed to own any animal ever again!

"What my humane officer saw was cold blooded murder. It was horrific.

"It was absolutely the worst thing I have ever seen in the 4 1/2 years I have worked in the animal industry," said Nicole Bawol, Executive Director, Erie Humane Society.

The poor 11-month old puppy's name was Izzy.

"Erie Police claim that Izzy's death was caused by his owner, 37-year-old Justina Robinson, who earlier this week told the media someone broke into her home and beat her puppy.

"After receiving numerous calls from community members and picking up on inconsistencies in Robinson's story, police brought her back in to conduct a third interview, which led to a confession," reported Your Eerie.

"She admitted that she had actually been the one who had beaten the dog with the hammer and that she had make up the story about the burglary, so she lied to us when she reported the crime," said Deputy Chief Mike Nolan, Erie Police.

Why did she choose to beat it with a hammer?

"Robinson told Erie News Now that she was training the dog, a mixed chocolate Labrador Retriever and red white Irish Setter to be a service dog for her fiance Craig," according to Eerie News Now.

All the poor little dog wanted was to give someone its love.

But this wicked woman chose to smash his little skull in with a hammer.

Over and over. And over. And over. And over...

Izzy suffered horribly, until he was euthanized.

Someone like Justina Robinson doesn't deserve to ever be around animals again.

Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.

That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress that would ensure that animals are protected from the likes of her.

Don't you think it's absurd to give criminals like Robinson a slap on the wrist?

Then add your name to ask Senator Bernie Sanders to draft legislation that would prohibit any convicted animal offender from ever owning a pet of any kind ever again!

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