Don't Kill New England's Gray Seals!

  • al: Ann Ward
  • destinatario: Rockland, ME Mr. Larry Pritchett

Years ago, gray seals nearly disappeared in New England until the Marine Mammal Protection Act put a stop to their slaughter. Now, the Gray Seal is flourishing in their natural habitat on the New England coast, but some residents are asking to allow the gray seal to be hunted and killed again!

Although fishermen state the seals interfere with their businesses and beach visitors complain about them taking over sections of the shores, the truth is the gray seal only eats fish that are not commercially viable to fishermen and charter businesses are booming with tourists eager to get an up-close view of these sweet-faced seals.

Tell Rockland, Maine NOT to kill these magnificent mammals!

Dear Mr. Pritchett,

We (the undersigned) understand the concerns of your community in regards to what some believe is an over population of Gray Seals. However, Marine Biologists and Economists have proven that these Seals are no danger to the fish population or the economy. 

The Gray Seal fought hard to flourish once again in their natural habitat. Please do not allow the culling of these beautiful mammals.


Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Thanks for signing and sharing this vital move to prevent the culling of Gray Seals. If you want to learn and share more take a look at the Associated Press article picked up by The Huffington Post!
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