Don't Remove Last Remaining Wolf Protections!

U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse (R) recently introduced a bill to end endangered species protections for grey wolves in Washington, Oregon and Utah.

The new bill would do more than strip federal endangered species protections -- it would prevent these three states from offering wolves special protections stronger than what is currently offered by the Endangered Species Act, even if they wanted to.

Decades ago, the wolf population in these states was wiped out. It has been recovering steadily thanks to endangered species protections, and migration from Idaho and Canada. With the removal of protections, wolves will be left vulnerable once again. Passing the new bill would also open the door for pro-hunting laws that would further harm wolves. Please sign the petition to urge Congress to keep Endangered Species Act protections for wolves!

We, the undersigned, are concerned about the future of grey wolves in Washington, Oregon and Utah. As you may know, U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse (R) recently introduced a bill to end their endangered species protections.

The new bill would do more than strip federal endangered species protections -- it would prevent these three states from offering wolves special protections stronger than what is currently offered by the Endangered Species Act, even if they wanted to.

Decades ago, the wolf population in these states was wiped out. It has been recovering steadily thanks to endangered species protections, and migration from Idaho and Canada. With the removal of protections, wolves will be left vulnerable once again. Passing the new bill would also open the door for pro-hunting laws that would further harm wolves. We respectfully urge you to keep Endangered Species Act protections for wolves! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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