Free Laura Plummer - British tourist sentenced to three years in Egyptian prison

  • al: Carla J
  • destinatario: Egyptian authorities and British Foreign & Commonwealth Office., United Kingdom

Laura Plummer, 33, from Hull, has been arrested in Egypt for flying over with just £23 worth of the prescription painkiller Tramadol. These tablets were at the top of her case and not hidden in any way. The tablets were for her boyfriend, who suffers from back pain. She was simply trying to help someone she loves. She did not realise that these painkillers are illegal in Egypt. 

Just an innocent mistake. Yet, until her sentencing, she was held in a 15ft by 15ft cell with 25 other women for over a month. She feared she would be given the death penalty.

On 26 December 2017 Laura was sentenced to three years in prison. Her family say she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and they don't think she will survive this sentence.

Please sign now to demand the immediate release and return of Laura Plummer to the UK.

Actualizar #1hace 7 años
On boxing day Laura was sentenced to three years in prison in Egypt. Whilst it is a relief she was not sentenced to death, three years in prison is a devastating blow to Laura, who made an innocent mistake. Laura is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and her family do not think she will survive three years in prison. Please continue to share this petition with your friends to keep the pressure on the authorities to free Laura.
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