Put Trump in Jail. Urge his probation officer to recommend it

Donald Trump is meeting with a NY probation officer TODAY to help determine whether he should get jail time as part of his sentence.

Urge the probation officer to recommend jail to the judge, and help make it happen.

Trump's team is arguing that he should not go to jail, since this was a non-violent offense, and he is a first time offender.

But Trump has been openly and wildly contemptuous of the judge, jury, and entire trial. He has repeatedly violated his gag order, and has stoked violence from his followers. He has never admitted his guilt, nor been the least bit contrite.

Enough is enough. He does not deserve leniency, he deserves to go to jail. The longer, the better.

Add your name, and urge the probation officer to recommend jail time for Trump.

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