New York: Act Now to Strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws

Help strengthen New York’s animal cruelty laws!

New York’s current animal cruelty laws are antiquated, poorly defined, and weak. They need to be modernized and strengthened. That is precisely what the currently pending bills S.6730/A.9917 are designed to do.

If S.6730/A.9917 are signed into law,

    • All new police officers will be trained on animal cruelty casework. As it stands now, newly hired police officers must opt to take an elective class to learn how to investigate animal cruelty cases.

    • The penalty for felony crimes of animal abuse will increase from two years to seven years.

    • The State will be able to seek a special felony sentencing enhancement in aggravated cases by designating the convicted defendant as a “Violent Felony Offender” – this enhancement would require the Court to impose a minimum prison term.

    • The number of qualifying agencies that may petition the Court to require an offender to post a cost-of-care bond for the victim animals will be broadened. This will help to expedite the legal release of animal victims for placement into new loving homes, rather than leaving them to languish in cages for months (if not years) while the underlying criminal case drags on.

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