Demand An End To The Barbaric Cruelty Of Dogs In China

People must sign NOW as time is ticking... Another dog eating festival for the whole month of July . Another hour goes by another load of dogs tortured and brutally slaughtered. We all can make a difference by doing the right thing. Aren't dogs meant to be mans best friend.... Shame on China
(STOP DOG EATING FESTIVALS) New one on now for the month of July

"Say No To Dog Meat “, it is a unique, valuable and astounding organisation that has firm beliefs and true values of the importance of each dogs life in this world. They try to stop cats and dogs from being tortured and killed for a means of human consumption in China. The people believe that the meat is more tender and flavour is increased by the amount of disgusting torture the animals go through.

It is a sickening and horrible image that needs to be stopped globally. Luckily there are a group of passionate volunteers worlwide who participate in all possible actions to help save the dogs. They are up against, meat traders fighting them physically by assaulting them.

So genuine dog lover volunteers do everything they can to prevent cages of dogs and cats being slaughtered.

The animals are transported to a facility area where the torture begins. We are very blessed to have this organisation doing their utmost to keep the animals from their cruel and painful deaths, funds are a huge necessity…we can all help .

I know your thinking ”OMG, I don’t want to know about this, it makes me sad". Yes true it is not a pretty picture, that is why I have decided to help out with any awareness where I can.

You cannot turn a blind eye and let this continue without doing something at all. If you can afford any funds to the amazing organisation know that every bit helps to keep the dogs safe from harm.

Recently with the Yulin festival the world has spoken and huge outcry of disgust and shame has been noted both in papers, tv, videos and more. Our aim is to STOP all dog eating festivals in the Asian countries now.

So tell all your friends, utilise all your networks, social media pages, emails, word of mouth but do something to help raise awareness because to do nothing is immoral.

So for the dogs everywhere please sign my petition to help them out.

Thankyou From Dogs Everywhere

Natisha Field & (Woof, Woofs)

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