RESCUE PETS in JAMAICA from ABUSE and ABANDONMENT- end the animal terror!
Charles Robert Darwin, famous British naturalist who formed the theory of evolution wrote “...there is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.”
Jamaica has countless abused, abandoned and injured animals. Poisoning them became a regular practice. What for many is an island paradise, for these animals, an island hell!
Animals are voiceless, defenseless beings who cannot speak for their own protection. That’s why it is so important that people like you stand up to protect them in Jamaica.
Dogs and cats especially are connected to us just because they are with us on this planet and they should be thought of it that way. They have feelings just like we do and they feel pain just like we do. They have personalities just like we do. If they could only talk we would learn so much. They can also be rehabilitated with love and caring just like we can.
There is a saying which emphasizes you see a human treat an animal is indicative of how we treat our fellow man. It's something to think about. We all have a place in this universe that nobody has the right to violate or take away. Human beings should get to understand and look at our great potential to heal our planet not destroy.
The time to break the culture of silence is now as the pets continue to experience hurt from people who only hurt them because they know they can. Mahatma Gandhi said “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.
The Government needs to demand stricter animal cruelty laws and punishments in Jamaica. Like child abusers and sex offenders, those who abuse, poison, neglect animals should face serious, lifetime consequences.
Jamaica needs an animal cruelty registry to keep offenders not only in check but also provide for the future protection of animals and maybe people, since violence against animals is often a precursor to violence against humans.
The Government needs to support humane animal shelters dealing with countless pets on regular basis.
Ban on Gramoxone, the poison that is used most often to kill pets.
Life is life. There is no difference between a cat or a dog and a man. The idea of difference is a human conception designed for man’s own advantage. Let’s not keep creating hell on earth which appears as death and destruction. Let’s choose life and honour and respect it.
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