Demand Disney to produce the live-action Aladdin film based on the ORIGINAL Story

  • al: JT
  • destinatario: Disney

The original story of Aladdin is set in China and characters from the Aladdin story are ethnically Chinese.


Unfortunately, when Disney created the animated version of Aladdin, they decided to change the setting of the story and also integrated racist and stereotypes elements associated with Middle East/Arabia to describe the characters.

I am starting this petition so that Disney does not:

1) Perpetuate the myth that Aladdin is set in Arabia or the Middle East and create characters with stereotypically and racist Arab or Middle Eastern characterization.

2) Whitewash the film with actors with naturally pale complexion but will put on ton of make up to make them look more "ethnic" 

firma la petición
firma la petición
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