Let's fight for our future! Join the cause to bring help to the Caribbean Region!

Help us get the signatures to raise awareness about Climate Change in the Caribbean region! Give your support by signing and posting on your social media and/or sharing with your friends via email/whatsapp and any other means. We want for people to get to know projects that work towards results such as the Climate Reality Project and the amazing work they do and get them to the Caribbean! helping us just takes just a few minutes.
We are working hard to raise awareness in all the countries of this region, including the Dominican Republic. It's time we get the citizens of the region "on the loop" about what is going on and provide amazing information on this subject: it should be important to all of us. Do it today and tell a friend! Our goal with this petition is to get support to our initiative and present it to the Climate Reality Project for them to come here!


*You don't need to sign this petition if you have alredy signed the spanish version. Thank you for your support!

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