stop killing innocent stray dogs in kerala and selling them to countries like korea and china!

Innocent dogs are killed and then these dogs are traded to countries like korea and china where dog meat is consumed.This is such a shameful act committed by heartless men.There might be people who might have been attacked by rabid dogs but doesn't mean killing these dogs in an inhumane way is the only solution for this.we are in the 21st century and we need to stop these brutal things from happening.killing any living being is atrocious and no living being on earth deserves to die in cruel ways.if killing humans is considered to be a sin and a massive crime,how is killing an animal not a sin? animals feel pain just like us and we have no right to inflict pain on these animals and take away their life in a brutal way.people who kill are murderers.let it be a human or an animal they kill,a killer is a sinner at the end of the day and they should be stopped.we urge the chief minister of oomen chandy to stop these killings and enforce strict laws for the protection of innocent dogs!

Dear Prime Minister,

                       People from all over the world has signed the petition against the brutal killing of dogs in kerala and exporting them to countries like korea and china.This is such a big shame for our country and its a heartless act.I know and you know and we all know that every living being on earth has their right to exist here and they all have the urge to live.They do feel pain like we all do. Why hurt them? Killing is not a solution to any problem. Its just promoting violence and the animal lovers in kerala and the rest of the places in India and people from other countries are heartbroken by the images we see everyday.Please do something about this and stop this immediately before more lives are lost.We should protect them because they are unable to protect themeselves.Instead we are killing em in a brutal way.How is that acceptable? I requet you sir to please stop this atrocious act of killing animals immediately.

                                                                                                   Yours Sincerly


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