President Obama- ensure Animal Shelter Directors accountable for their Shelter statistics

  • al: Suju Bala
  • destinatario: President Barack Obama

Today around 3 million shelter-pets die annually in the 3000 Animal shelters in the USA, mainly because of lack of a compassionate Shelter Director who wants to do everything to save the innocent lives.. the Shelter Directors are just happy to maintain status-quo and keep strays off the streets and think that it does not matter to the American public what happens to those innocent lives.. but it definitely matters to them .. because they love their shelter-pets and want them to come to no harm.
This discrepency in animal Shelter functioning and public expectations has led to a crisis in Animal Sheltering industry - and the birth of the humane No-Kill movement.
President Obama, please support the tremendous love of the American people for the shelter-pets languishing in the Animal Shelters throughout USA.. please pass stringent laws ensuring accountability and culpability of Shelter Directors and staff for their shelter statistics.. and promote No-Kill Shelter Directors to take over if required, after shelter audit every three months.
This can bring innovation and humane attitudes to the forefront among Shelter Directors.. they will have to improve their shelter adoption statistics or resign and that requirement will make them improve.. this will cause the adopting out of millions of shelter-pets and immense wellbeing and joy to the American Public to see their shelter-pets have happy lives.
Please do this for your country and become another Gandhi of Compassion, bringing joy to all animals and people in the USA and the World.

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