Vote YES For the Grand Canal on North Beach before Dec 10th!

The Corpus Christi City Council must VOTE For the Grand Canal before December 10th!

Not voting is simply a "No Vote." Don't let the council members delay and still say they support the idea - it is time to vote before December 10th!

We are helping the City of Corpus Christi improve drainage in an often flooded North Beach with the Grand Canal. Building the Grand Canal draws in tens of millions in private investment and creates a place we can all embrace our cultural heritage, be proud of, and see what the Future has in store for us in the Coastal Bend!

There is another utility project in Texas that generates revenue for the city, excitement in the community, and tells people we CAN make great things happen; the San Antonio Riverwalk.

1) The Grand Canal helps with the drainage and constant flooding on North Beach.

2) The Grand Canal tells young people we have something exciting, vibrant, and Forward Thinking in our very near Future. Stay in or Move back to Corpus Christi!

3) The Grand Canal pays for itself in 10 years! A drainage ditch doesn't. It's that simple.

4) How about a WIN for our community? Solve problems and generate excitement where 800,000+ people already visit the Texas State Aquarium & USS Lexington - No Brainer!

Thank you for signing, please SHARE!

See the North Beach Vision:

Actualizar #4hace 5 años
Please join us Tuesday, 12/17 at 11:30am at Corpus Christi City Hall.

By attending, we continue to show our Positive support for Council Members supporting the Navigable "Grand" Canal. We hope the 9-0 vote from last week happens again!

What happens next? Does the city get into action or let the project sit? Actions speak louder than words. More info:

On behalf of dozens of volunteers -
Thank you, we CAN make it happen for our F U T U R E!
Actualizar #3hace 5 años
Great news! We were told that Tuesday, December 10th, the vote for the Canal WILL BE ON THE AGENDA! It took 4 council members to step up and make it happen. We appreciate you Councilman Everett Roy, Councilman Rudy Garza, Councilman Ben Molina & Councilman Gil Hernandez! We would also like to send special thanks to Councilman Michael Hunter for your continued support of the Canal! Everyone please be at City Hall Tuesday for Public Comment! Tuesday is THE VOTE for our Future! -Chad Magill
Actualizar #2hace 5 años
We are over 1100 strong! You are all amazing!

The City has confirmed a joint City/County Workshop on Dec 3rd, 9am at City Council Chambers, in Corpus Christi City Hall. This is a public meeting, please plan to join us there!

The City has asked Mr. Frazier if he could wait 1 more day until Dec 10th so the City Council wouldn't have to call a Special Meeting. We may see a VOTE on the Grand Canal on December 10th!

Enjoy our new documentary: "Story of North Beach" with your family! Share Please
Actualizar #1hace 5 años
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell is a book about how small actions at the right time, in the right place, and with the right people can create a "Tipping point."

We are above 750 signatures in just a few days! With such a strong response, we hope you don't mind we increase our Goal up to 5,000. Let's keep the great momentum!

Thank you for Signing, Sharing, and Helping Inspire our Community!
We've heard the City is now scheduling a "Workshop" on Tuesday, Dec 3rd. Perhaps a Tipping Point?
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