Help Malin Karlsen get her license

Malin Karlsen is a 13yo from Norway who was competing at the top of the sport of remote controlled cars! She is one of the brightest up and comers in the sport! She was the first ever female driver to qualify for and compete in the prestigious invitation only class at the reedy race of champions as well as the first female driver to make the A-Final in the Euro off road series and the EFRA 1/10 scale European championship! Her and he father have even built her herown race track! All at her young age! Due to her going racing outside of her home country of Norway the Norwegian motorsports federation ( Banned her from ever getting a liscense to race permanently! Im hoping to get this petition going in hoped that her fans signatures might make the NMF reconsider the lifetime ban and issue her a license sometime in the future! 

(Please guys lets not be too critical of the NMF it is there rule and their right to enforce it. Lets not bad mouth them and make them dig their heals in on the subject) Thanks for all the support so far! 

Actualizar #1hace 6 años
Great news guys! We did it NMF has stated that there is NO SANCTIONS agnist Malin and ahe can get her license and compete! Thanks everyone for taking time to sign this! Im just ecstatic that it worked!
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