Stop US Cuy operation (roasted Guinea pigs )

Over in Ecuador and Peru people hunt guinea pigs and eat them or they steal guinea pigs from peoples houses . Over there it's a delicacy and it's something we can't control . It's called Cuy as I mentioned it in the title . We can stop cuy in the Us . Unfortunately Cuy has made its into the US . Guinea Pig owners who put thier guinea pigs up for adoption is a feeding ground for Cuy seekers . Be warned and be careful when you decide to put your guinea pigs up for adoption . This petition is to stop the domesticated Cuy operation in the US . So please sign if you love guinea pigs , a guinea pig owner

Actualizar #3hace 6 años
Keep signing . Thank you for those who did . Keep them coming . We need this to stop
Actualizar #2hace 7 años
Wow this is amazing over a 1,000 signatures . Keep signing :)
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Thank you much 26 signatures already let's keep it going
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