Pledge to Boycott China for Animal Cruelty and Demand Animal Abuse Laws!


Pledge to boycott Chinese products and tourism until the Chinese Government declares the farming and eating of dog and cat meat illegal and until China passes animal welfare laws protecting all animals from unnecessary suffering and torture.

From the dog culling, brutal bear farms collecting bile, the cat and dog fur trade, dog meat industry, to exterminating cats for the 2008 Olympics, China is committing barbaric and sadistic acts against animals in their country.

Some of the articles have lead the way to organizations, and people like you and me, calling for an end to this barbaric practice.
China's Shocking Dog and Cat Fur Trade For the sake of fashion, animals are trapped, drowned, or beaten to death in the wild and gassed, strangled, or electrocuted on fur farms...

A Shocking Look Inside Chinese Fur Farms When undercover investigators made their way onto Chinese fur farms recently, they found that many animals are still alive and struggling desperately when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them up by their legs or tails to skin them. When workers on these farms begin to cut the skin and fur...

Petitions To End This Abuse Of Cats And Dogs

These are petitions that need our signatures

1. End China's animal terror:
Stop China's Animal Terror

2. Stop China from the continuing slaughter of cats & dogs:
Stop China's Killing Cats & Dogs

3. Fight for animal abuse laws in China: Change Animal Laws In China

4. Stop the cats being skinned alive! Stop the cutting
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